Mini Guide to Reporting Actual Outcomes and Target Ratings


  • Actual Outcomes represent the real answer to your area’s assessment questions.
  • Actual Outcomes indicate what your area realistically achieved by end of the practice.
  • Actual Outcomes are reported after a practice is implemented.
  • Target Ratings indicate how close the actual outcome is to the original target outcome.
  • Target Ratings sometimes rely on making a judgment call best determined by your area and supervisor.


  • Participation Target Ratings:
    • Target Outcome: 100 first-year students will attend the workshop.
    • Actual Outcome: 50 total students attended the workshop.
    • Target Rating. Did not meet expectations.
  • Quality Target Ratings:
    • Target Outcome: 85% of participants will be satisfied or very satisfied with services.
    • Actual Outcome: 95% of participants were satisfied or very satisfied with services.
    • Target Rating. Exceeded expectations.
  • Operations Target Ratings:
    • Target Outcome: Average request response time will be between 2-3 days.
    • Actual Outcome: Average request response time was 2.5 days.
    • Target Rating. Met expectations.
  • Trend Target Ratings:
    • Target Outcome: Participation from last year to this year will increase by 5 percentage points.
    • Actual Outcome: Participation from last year to this year increased by 4.1 percentage points.
    • Target Rating. Partially met expectations.