Emergent Themes

Emergent Themes

Emergent Themes represent the “voice of the college” by synthesizing feedback and results documented in area SAGE Profiles, student and employee surveys, and institutional research data reports.  The Center for College Effectiveness synthesizes the prior year’s information into strengths and challenges, which is the foundation for annually reviewing collective progress toward Strategic Plan goals, setting College-wide priorities, involving the College community in planning and problem-solving at key points, and  informing divisional and area planning and budgeting for the next academic year.  Then, the process starts again.

Institutional Effectiveness Process with Emergent Themes

Area SAGE Reflections: Strengths and Challenges plus Survey Findings and Institutional Research Reports represent the Voice of the College. This leads to the development of College-wide Emergent Themes, which influences College Planning and Priority-Setting for the next academic year. The College Priorities then influence Divisional and Area-level Planning and Budgeting, which are documented as in SAGE Area's Practices and Assessment Methods. Then the process starts again.

Emergent Themes Reports