Women of G.R.I.T.



From Guttman to Spelman—A Go-Getter’s Journey

August 3, 2022 | Alumni Achievement, Student Spotlight, Women of G.R.I.T.

President Johnson and Students See Thoughts of a Colored Man on Broadway

November 24, 2021 | President's Newsletter, President's Office, Student Engagement, United Men of Color (UMOC), Women of G.R.I.T.

On November 6, President Johnson and students from the United Men of Color (UMOC) and Women of G.R.I.T groups had a chance to attend Thoughts of a Colored Man on Broadway. The critically acclaimed play reveals the experiences, hopes, and dreams of seven men. The script takes place in Brooklyn. During a group discussion after the event, the attendees shared their thoughts and impressions about the theatrical experience.