Two Guttman Community College students will participate in the James Baldwin Writer’s Colony at Kasteel Well in The Netherlands and will be taught by Emerson faculty who are also Baldwin scholars. The students were nominated by Liberal Arts and Sciences faculty members and were selected as Guttman’s first participants in the program. The finalists are:

Shenise Alexander
nominated by Professor Nick Fortier
Holliday Senquiz
nominated by Professor Lori Ungemah

The Emerson College Summer Education Abroad program is a prestigious writing-intensive program with locations in The Netherlands, France, and Ghana. Dr. Tony Pinder, provost at Emerson College, invited Guttman students to apply.

After students were nominated by Guttman faculty at the end of the Fall I 2022 session, they participated in a group interview, submitted writing samples (including one related to James Baldwin’s work), and were interviewed by Emerson faculty. The program duration is four weeks, beginning June 29.

See more information about Guttman’s Liberal Arts and Sciences program and the Emerson College Education Abroad program.