Register for Commencement
The 2025 Commencement ceremony is for all graduating students in Fall I & II 2024 and Spring I & II 2025.
If you expect to graduate in one of those semesters/sessions, please register to walk in Commencement.
Cap & Gown
Participating Guttman graduates must wear academic regalia (a.k.a. a cap and gown) to the Commencement ceremony. You can choose to rent your academic regalia (for free) or purchase your academic regalia to keep. Select your choice when you register for Commencement.
If you’ve selected to purchase your regalia purchase, be sure to do so before the May 12, 2025 deadline. be sure to purchase your regalia directly with the following link: Purchase Regalia: Deadline May 12th.
Commencement Tickets
Every graduate and soon-to-be graduate attending and participating in this year’s Commencement will receive up to four (4) tickets for their invited guests.
Tickets will be distributed with your academic regalia the week of June 2, 2025. Exact distribution details will be sent to you via email.
2025 Class Speaker
Do you have what it takes to represent the Guttman Community College Class of 2025? If so, we hope you’ll consider applying to be class speaker. Our speakers are self-nominated, so be sure to tell us you’re interested when you register for Commencement.
Must apply by Friday, April 19th 10:00PM. Apply here
Graduation Portraits
Thornton Studio Photographers will take head shots of all our graduates on Tuesday, May 27 or Friday, May 30. You should select a date and time when you register to walk.
College Rings
Celebrate your accomplishment with a class ring! See the Guttman Community College collection available through Balfour.
All graduates are expected to attend the commencement rehearsal to learn about event logistics and what to do during the ceremony.
Monday, June 16th, 12:00 PM, Guttman Library
Grad Cruise & The Stellas
Graduated are invited to the annual Graduation Cruise & the Stellas: students Awards Ceremony at Chelsea Piers. Grads should RSVP via Campus Groups.
Thursday, June 5th, Chelsea Piers, Boarding begins: 5:50PM. Return 8:15PM & 10:30PM.
What Should I Bring to Commencement?
Your Guttman ID & cap and gown (make sure your robe is clean and wrinkle-free). Refillable water bottles are permitted. There is no place to store personal belongings. Prohibitited items include flags, banners, signs, ballons, and other items deemed hazardous.