Voices from the Heart of Gotham

Voices from the Heart of Gotham

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      As producers of knowledge with a particular focus on social (in)justice, racial, gendered, and transnational journeys, Guttman Community College scholar-activists have constructed a new digital canon that offers New Yorkers the opportunity to contribute testimonies of tumultuous times. Voices from the Heart of Gotham: The Undergraduate Scholars Oral History Collection at Guttman Community College houses student-designed and -produced interviews that elevate rich, complex, and buried counter-narratives about the past and present focusing largely on Black, immigrant, and activist experiences in NYC. Utilized by academics world-wide, this unique archive is home to hundreds of histories gathered over five years and in six languages. By designing oral history projects with undergraduates that explore students’ respective communities, this project has unlocked a history only accessible by tapping into the knowledge and networks of CUNY’s incredibly diverse student body. This work is being curated and studied by Dr. Samuel Finesurrey and Guttman undergraduates and alumni Thierno Diallo, Samantha Ruiz-Correa, Elsy Rosario, Tigida Fadiga, Luz Hidalgo, Phisarys Sidemion, Sadaf Majeed, Bashir Juwara, Samantha Hernandez, and Shaday Barrett. Between 2020 and 2024, these students have presented their findings of this archive at the most prestigious oral history conferences around the globe and have a forthcoming book chapter informed by this collection titled “Embodied Violence and Passions of Resistance: Tracing the Residues of Structural Violence in Immigrant Oral Histories.” This collection democratizes the production of knowledge by empowering community college students, largely derived from immigrant households, to shape the narratives about their communities and their generation. Funded by the American Council of Learned Societies and the Mellon Foundation, this exhibition helps us rethink struggles and movements of the past and present, to unearth the human networks that carry all New Yorkers in difficult times. We are indebted to the support of Guttman staff member Ivan Mora, as well as past employees including Joanna Wisniewski, Kristina Jiana Quiles and Amy Beth. 

      Watch Guttman Community College students and Professor Samuel Finesurrey present Voices from the Heart of Gotham: Immigration and Migration to NYC at the Oral Histories in the Mid-Atlantic Region (OHMAR) Conference in May 2021.


      Amjad Alsaidi

      “[Since COVID started] people just buy their stuff all at once from big businesses like Walmart, BJs, Costco...all at once they didn't feel like going to the corner store crowded with people.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Yemen
      Neighborhood: Harlem, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 11/11/2021
      Protest and Pandemic Yemen Queens English

      Jerry Jimenez

      “Para salir adelante y tener un futuro mejor. ”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Mexico
      Neighborhood: Queens, NYC
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 09/10/2021
      Protest and Pandemic Mexico Queens Spanish

      Miguel Tejada

      “Working at bodegas is not an easy job...a lot of bodega workers got into fights with the customers because either they were asking or requiring customers to wear the mask during the pandemic and they refused to wear them.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/14/2021
      Protest and Pandemic Dominican Republic The Bronx English

      Thomas Sambolin

      “Since COVID started] we haven’t gotten no support from the government at all other than them sending the board health to check the store.... Other than that, they haven’t done a thing, they haven’t given us no leeway, no money, nothing no help at all.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/11/2021
      Protest and Pandemic New York The Bronx English

      Zaid Nahshal

      “We were having anxieties because [at the bodega] we were exposed to people, you know, the whole time. We were at a high risk of being exposed to the COVID-19 virus, and...the store's income went down and we were not making enough money because of the pandemic.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Yemen
      Neighborhood: Brooklyn, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/15/2021
      Protest and Pandemic Yemen Brooklyn English

      R.E. Smith

      “I was of age. It was in the very early 70s. I had already graduated from high school...then they had a draft.... I did not understand why we were we were in Vietnam, why we were dropping bombs on innocent people. Most of us had never heard of Vietnam.... I couldn't in good conscience accept that.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Midwest
      Neighborhood: Queens, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 04/16/2021
      Protest and Pandemic Midwest Queens English

      Michelle Joseph

      “Like everyone, [I'm] literally living paycheck to paycheck. If you don't manage your money right, you could be homeless any day. It could be me, you, your teacher, anybody.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Crown Heights, Brooklyn
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 05/22/2022
      Protest and Pandemic New York Brooklyn English

      Nya Carmen Layton

      “There are so many people like in Hunter who I've talked to, like, who are first generation. And it's really cool to see, you know, them talk about where they came from, and things like that.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Crown Heights, Brooklyn
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 05/17/2022
      Protest and Pandemic New York Brooklyn English

      Ragab Abdelsalam Abdelmged

      “It was difficult at the beginning and very psychologically intensive. But, one of the human basic human traits is adaptation and survival.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Egypt
      Neighborhood: Harlem, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: Arabic
      Date of Interview: 04/15/2021
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Egypt Manhattan Arabic

      Szymon Sondej

      “[My Mom left us and] stayed [in the U.S.] for three years, and after three years, she applied for this lottery that's immigration lottery type of thing that they were offering back in the 90s. And she won.... My mom was...the only one here and it gave those immigrants a chance of bringing their whole family over here legally and everything.... After three years, she came back and...we all got our passports, we all got a green card and...we came here. ”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Poland
      Neighborhood: Westchester, New York
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 04/14/2021
      Protest and Pandemic Poland New York English

      Cristian Najera

      ““My mother decided to immigrate to the United States leaving me and my siblings behind which it was painful for her and for us, but we understood that it was for a better future.””

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Honduras
      Neighborhood: Sunset Park, Brooklyn
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 04/14/2021
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Honduras Brooklyn English

      Franklyn Acevedo

      “I have attended the [protests] where s**t got very intense and a lot of people were hurt, harmed... a lot of stuff went down there”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Dyckman, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 07/26/2020
      Protest and Pandemic New York Manhattan English

      Monsserat Herrera-Vasquez

      “I am Latina, Mexican-American...growing up, based on the personal encounters with the police I’ve always felt intimated; Sort of scared. I always have to watch what I said or how I say it.”

      Subject: U.S. Politics in New York City
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Queens, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 07/29/2020
      U.S. Politics in New York City New York Queens English

      Anthony Colex

      “People can talk however they want in their native tongue. And that's just a right. I think it's just not good or fair to critique someone for not being able to speak the main language in a country. ”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Unkown
      Neighborhood: Unknown
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 05/26/2022
      Protest and Pandemic Unkown   English

      Ariela Garcia

      “I think that the best part about New York [is] that we're so diverse and you can meet people from all over the world and learn from them. So, I think that's one of the best, if not the best quality of New York City.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: Washington Heights, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 05/17/2022
      Protest and Pandemic Dominican Republic Manhattan English

      Danniela Morales

      “I think that aside from not having work for a little bit, or having to do schooling online, I've adapted to this new lifestyle that were in very well and it's really helped me have a better insight on who I am, and how resilient I am...it has helped me grow.”

      Subject: U.S. Politics in New York City
      Place of Origin: Unknown
      Neighborhood: Unknown
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 02/10/2021
      U.S. Politics in New York City Unknown   English

      Shonda Alexander

      “You never know if anyone is [going to] come in here and rob you. You know, you got a lot of mental illness people on the streets, so I'd rather not jeopardize myself or the workers.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Harlem, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 05/15/2022
      Protest and Pandemic New York Manhattan English

      Shantal Taveras

      “It happens so consistently, and it's so exposed in the media that like, I feel that people have been desensitized to black pain and black experiences. ”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 04/12/2021
      Migration and Immigration to New York City New York The Bronx English

      Shawn Rich

      “This is year is 2022, right? I can't find a good reason or excuse why there is not true equality.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Ireland
      Neighborhood: Williamsburg, Brooklyn
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 05/16/2022
      Protest and Pandemic Ireland Brooklyn English

      Cristobal Tong

      “I attended what was called the Pray, March, Act protests. It was led by over 100 pastors from New York City. And we moved from Carroll Gardens all the way to the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. That was our route. And the purpose of that protest was for pastors to stand together with those of black skin color, recognizing that this cannot continue.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Venezuela
      Neighborhood: Lower East Side, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 04/16/2021
      Protest and Pandemic Venezuela Manhattan English

      Derek Noboa

      “I can talk about countless times where [cops] violated my rights as a young man...before even getting into high school. I would be profiled by police, and...harassed: 'Hey, where are you going?' 'What are you doing?' 'Where are you coming from?' And you know, as a young kid, you think you have to answer these things when you don't.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 04/16/2021
      Protest and Pandemic New York The Bronx English


      “Before the pandemic mostly me and my father used to go at it but during the pandemic, he got sick, you know things happened, I started realizing more like you take things for granted. I realize how much I really do care about my parents. I learned how much they care about us, for me and my siblings. ”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Indianapolis, Indiana
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 04/12/2021
      Protest and Pandemic New York   English

      Elvir Cekovic

      “Another thing that's been on my mind lately...is how many places have begun to legalize marijuana, but all the people who are locked up because of that continue to just like, be stuck in jail, really?... I feel like many African Americans are wrongly incriminated; They don't get a fair shot when they're on trial which is just sad to say. ”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Manhattan, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 04/14/2021
      Protest and Pandemic New York Manhattan English

      Sabrina Garcia

      “I think every New Yorker kind of has that same personality...no matter how nice you are, 'don't step over me because I'm not...a punk.'”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 05/18/2022
      Protest and Pandemic New York The Bronx English

      Kate Cuapio

      “Growth is very important, especially in a time like quarantining and the pandemic, and the Black Lives Matter movement, and all of these really important events that are happening”

      Subject: U.S. Politics in New York City
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 02/06/2021
      U.S. Politics in New York City New York The Bronx English

      Leon Gorham

      “I think racism is something that's taught. I don't really think people born with hate in their heart.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Washington Heights, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 04/15/2021
      Protest and Pandemic New York The Bronx English

      Leslie Martinez

      “There are so many beautiful things I have to unlearn, what society tells me about who I am, and just [explore] all the resilience and the Black joy that is out there. ”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Harlem, New York
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 04/14/2021
      Protest and Pandemic New York Manhattan English

      Margarita Mosquera

      “¡Exactamente! De eso se trata, de hacer las protestas para impedir que la gente sea expulsada a la calle con sus familias, por falta de pago de renta.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Unknown
      Neighborhood: New York City
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 01/22/2021
      Protest and Pandemic Unknown Manhattan Spanish

      Hermanica Thelusca

      “I've had multiple encounters over the years with the NYPD where like my heart's racing, because I was like, 'Oh, shit. Oh, shit.' Yeah, like, 'What's gonna happen?' 'What could possibly happen?' 'Yeah, you know, so, you know, there's this, there's this fear.' ”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Haiti
      Neighborhood: Canarsie, Brooklyn
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 01/20/2021
      Protest and Pandemic Haiti Brooklyn English

      Javier Clemente

      “What was positive is that I started working out and I gained a couple of pounds. I gained a whole lot of pounds that I was always trying to gain by staying home.... I realized that I appreciate everything around me more. ”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 04/14/2021
      Protest and Pandemic New York The Bronx English

      Luna Ruiz

      “I think that the peaceful [BLM] protesters were attacked a lot more physically and emotionally in the media, and Trump supporters were just kind of empathized with a lot more. But I think, again, that goes back to race in this country, and how pervasive it is.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Harlem, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 02/10/2021
      Protest and Pandemic New York Manhattan English

      Niland Davis

      “At any given time, you can experience racism at any given time, and you can be profiled, and it's a real thing. ”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: New Rochelle, New York
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 02/05/2021
      Protest and Pandemic New York   English

      Imani Hunt

      “I [work] in urgent care.... Ninety-nine percent of those patients are for COVID tests, and it's gotten very stressful.... Some patients get rowdy.... We're just trying our best to make everyone happy.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Nigeria
      Neighborhood: Harlem, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 01/31/2021
      Protest and Pandemic Nigeria Manhattan English

      Sadaf Majeed

      “It's really difficult to get citizenship here.... The first time we applied we had to wait for months before getting a response and it cost a lot of money.... We're not allowed to go anywhere because if we went anywhere it's no guarantee that we can come back in the country”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Pakistan
      Neighborhood: East Elmhurst, Queens
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 03/17/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Pakistan Queens English

      Nicole Trinidad

      “I expected the typical American Dream that every little child is told when they're moving to America. I expected to be embraced and for everyone to be different, but still accepted.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Puerto Rico
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 03/22/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Puerto Rico The Bronx English

      Saiyara Uddin

      “I’ve been called ISIS, Osama, and a terrorist. Middle schoolers are not nice, and they forget that people come in all variations”

      Subject: U.S. Politics in New York City
      Place of Origin: The Bronx
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 01/09/2021
      U.S. Politics in New York City The Bronx The Bronx English

      Edward L Neely

      “I had COVID-19. I was in a hospital in a rehabilitation place for a total of five months. I personally almost died three times. And after the last rehabilitation place to rehab me, I had to learn how to walk again.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 04/12/2021
      Protest and Pandemic New York The Bronx English

      Anaya Jordan

      “It’s been insane. I feel like I'm going crazy...because I can't go outside.'”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Brooklyn
      Neighborhood: Brooklyn, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 02/05/2021
      Protest and Pandemic Brooklyn Brooklyn English

      Ariadna Villeda

      “It wasn't just a march. It's literally people coming together and sharing their stories on the shit that they went through when it comes to injustice, police force, and everything.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Bronx
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 01/25/2021
      Protest and Pandemic Bronx The Bronx English

      David Burke

      “What we have to do is recognize that we have more in common than we have a part, and try to assist each other the best that we know-how.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Jamaica
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 02/04/2021
      Protest and Pandemic Jamaica The Bronx English

      Shania Brown

      “The positive impact of COVID.... You're in the house by yourself; You have no other choice, but to look at yourself.... COVID forces you to stand still.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Corona, Queens
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 02/05/2021
      Protest and Pandemic New York Queens English

      Fouad Azim

      “Le problème, c'est que la société Américaine a commençaient à associer le mal à tout ce qui n'est pas Blanc, tout ce qui est Noir-Américain, c’est ça qui résume un peu le noyau de ce problème.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Morocco
      Neighborhood: New York, NYC
      Language of Interview: French
      Date of Interview: 04/22/2021
      Protest and Pandemic Morocco Manhattan French

      Rafael Rosario

      “La comida dominicana me hace ser quien soy hoy en día porque es la que más me gusta y la que me representa...”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 10/12/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City Dominican Republic The Bronx Spanish

      Yenis Heredia

      “Las comida en casa es más saludable que la comida en la calle”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 10/18/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City Dominican Republic The Bronx Spanish

      Alexandra Pedraja

      “Uno se siente muy bien porque uno quiere que le guste su comida, pero cada país o cada cultura le gusta comer su comida”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: Inwood, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: Spanish/English
      Date of Interview: 10/20/2020
      Food Cultures of New York City Dominican Republic Manhattan Spanish/English

      Jairo Angamarca

      “En nuestro país está [la comida] ahí mismo lo produce la tierra, no tiene químico...”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: Ecuador
      Neighborhood: Maspeth, Queens
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 10/17/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City Ecuador Queens Spanish

      Margarita Navarro

      “Ojalá que esto lo puedan seguir continuando y que las tradiciones de nosotros los mexicanos pues no se terminen, que continuen”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City and Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: Mexico
      Neighborhood: Unknown
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 03/18/2019
      Migration and Immigration to New York City and Food Cultures of New York City Mexico   Spanish

      Nicole Garcia

      “They say what you eat is who you are. So I feel like if I eat healthy, I’m going to be a healthy person and if I eat junk food, I’m going to be an unhealthy person”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/31/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City Dominican Republic The Bronx English

      Ana Souffront

      “Cuando tu llegas aquí tienes muchas oportunidades. Depende si tu quieres cogerlas o rechazarlas.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: Manhattan, NYC
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 03/22/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Dominican Republic Manhattan Spanish

      Daniel Nieves

      “If you live near a place that sells just fresh foods it’s gonna change the way you eat; It's gonna change what kind of food you put in your body.”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/16/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City New York The Bronx English

      Angelina Tallaj

      “Dominican food is really rich, so anything Dominican kind of reminds me of home.”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: Manhattan, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 11/10/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City Dominican Republic Manhattan English

      Antonio Ramírez

      “Anytime I eat it’s just like home, you know this is where I’m supposed to be.”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Brooklyn, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/19/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City New York Brooklyn English

      Aubierge Dah-Hounnon

      “I sometimes go to school without eating, come back without knowing what to eat, just drink water and go back to school. But still go to school and do well so we can get out of poverty.”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City and History of New York City
      Place of Origin: Benin
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/19/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City and History of New York City Benin The Bronx English

      Carmen Castro

      “At Thanksgiving We all together, we all together eating turkey.”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: Puerto Rico
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/16/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City Puerto Rico The Bronx English

      Fatou Jaiteh

      “Eating well' means...you’re gathered with your family and everybody enjoys the food and everybody gets full and have a great time.”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/16/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City New York The Bronx English

      Marcia White

      “When I do my own cooking, it is healthier because I see and know what exactly what is put into my meal.”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: Jamaica
      Neighborhood: Brooklyn, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/19/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City Jamaica Brooklyn English

      Yurella López

      “ If you go by the rules and regulations in this country you have no reason why you cannot be a resident or a citizen of the United States.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Honduras
      Neighborhood: Manhattan, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 03/13/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Honduras Manhattan English

      Crystal Castro

      “It brings back memory when we used to cook with mom and dad and my oldest sister, we used to make meatballs with pasta and noodles.”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/21/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City New York The Bronx English

      Alicia Arias

      “I would eat with Michelle Obama, and we would eat some snow crab legs with shrimp, because it's hilarious and I've watched too many ASMR videos. So, I can just picture Michelle Obama and me doing that, and also, it’s a good way to break the ice.”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/04/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City New York The Bronx English

      Nicholas Conner

      “Growing up I was raised by a single mother and we didn’t have it like that. So anytime I had the opportunity to eat a fresh home cooked meal I didn’t take it for granted.”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Staten Island, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/14/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City New York Staten Island English

      Rena Safy

      “I would eat with my mother because I haven't seen her since like I was like twelve. I would eat with her because I have questions that never got answered.”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Manhattan, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/19/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City New York Manhattan English

      Samia Majeed

      “Eating well means eating healthy, but it also means not spending a lot of money on the food. ”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: East Elmhurst, Queens
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/06/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City New York Queens English

      Zoila Machado

      “There was a Civil War in El Salvador and that’s why I left.””

      Subject: U.S. Politics in New York City
      Place of Origin: El Salvador
      Neighborhood: Unknown
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 07/27/2019
      U.S. Politics in New York City El Salvador   English

      Kednel Jean

      “I used to think I faced real hunger since there are times in my life where I've felt hungry and I had to wait a long time to eat. But now, when I think about it, it's not real.... Real hunger some people in the world face, where they go two or three days without eating, I've never gone through that”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: Haiti
      Neighborhood: Midtown, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 09/10/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City Haiti Manhattan English

      Maria Reyna Flores

      “I have to make money to pay for everything here and still have to send money to make sure [my family in El Salvador] have food for the rest of the week or month.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: El Salvador
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 03/20/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City El Salvador The Bronx English

      Yvonne Perez

      “The sauces and the salsa the citrusy taste of it for me, it’s the best thing I could ever eat.”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: Mexico
      Neighborhood: Union Square, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/27/2020
      Food Cultures of New York City Mexico Manhattan English

      Diego Chavez

      “We couldn't talk to anybody. We were always indoors; couldn't go to the party, you couldn't go anywhere.... My parents were scared because of the immigration status.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Colombia
      Neighborhood: Fresh Meadows, Queens
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/27/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Colombia Queens English

      Rayza Gaton

      “Aquí hay todo tipo de sinsabores... aguantar humillaciones. En los trabajos te discriminan por no hablar inglés.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 11/01/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Dominican Republic The Bronx Spanish

      Faustina Peri

      “[My teacher] said, 'What's the matter with you stupid? Don't you understand English?' I said, 'No.' So she said, 'You don't understand English?' I said 'no.' She hugged me, you know. And she said she was sorry she didn’t know.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Italy
      Neighborhood: Long Beach, NY
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 07/07/2019
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Italy   English

      Amaya Lyn Melendez

      “The whole year overall, it was just like an ongoing movie. And every month felt like it was four years in one. Every situation was just like, “How could this happen?” No one believed this would happen, [but] it happened; New York City on shutdown, the world on shutdown.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 11/07/2020
      Protest and Pandemic New York Brooklyn English

      Desiree Nicole Colon

      “I think it’s interesting how you, as an officer can look at a protest saying 'stop killing black people' and think that that’s a personal attack on you.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Port Ewen, NY
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/13/2020
      Protest and Pandemic New York   English

      Diakel Baptist

      “When you get amongst these protesters...and you get amongst your peers, you really see that you’re not the only one that’s been encountering these things; You’re not the only one who feels as though you’re being harassed by police just because of the color of your skin or because of where you’re from, or how you dress, or where you live, or how you carry yourself.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Long Island, New York
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/23/2020
      Protest and Pandemic New York   English

      Jeraine Nieves Morales

      “I've always had a hard time with my identity because I don't really fit in wherever I go...”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Puerto Rico
      Neighborhood: Long Island, New York
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/22/2020
      Protest and Pandemic Puerto Rico   English

      Jeremy de la Cruz

      “There's times when I go play ball with my friends. We sit down and the cops would come and stop us, thinking we're doing drugs even though you're [just] hanging out with friends trying to hoop”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: Washington Heights, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/13/2020
      Protest and Pandemic Dominican Republic Manhattan English

      Dolores Rodriguez

      “I was a troublemaker in school and in those days the United States had invaded the Dominican Republic. My father thought that it would be better for me to be here.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: Harlem, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 11/06/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Dominican Republic Manhattan English

      Laila Wali

      “At that time America was on top and everybody used to love America so much, that all the time I would hear about USA, USA. So I decided to come here.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Pakistan
      Neighborhood: Queens, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 11/04/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Pakistan Queens English

      Nara Floriani

      “For me it was really hard because there wasn’t much opportunity because I didn’t speak English.... The way that I communicated with people was either in Portuguese or I wrote down on a piece of paper what I wanted to ask.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Portugal
      Neighborhood: Queens, NYC
      Language of Interview: Portuguese
      Date of Interview: 10/26/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Portugal Queens Portuguese

      Grace Howe

      “I went to a [BLM] protest in Union Square... [but] actually haven't been to a lot of them because my mother has an autoimmune disorder. If she gets COVID-19, it's not good.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: China
      Neighborhood: West Villiage, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/20/2020
      Protest and Pandemic China Manhattan English

      Kelly Smith

      “The problem is that it never gets addressed... Police officer [Derek Chauvin was] looking at the camera, people are yelling, 'You're killing him!' and he keeps his knee on the neck of a black man and kills him.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: Indiana
      Neighborhood: Manhattan, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/23/2020
      Protest and Pandemic Indiana Manhattan English

      Marlo Sausville

      “Some people are just too, 'This is a system that works....' It['s] an eviction tsunami that we're facing...hundreds of thousands of people who have died because of the pandemic.... Violent repression out on the streets.... Billionaires getting richer as more and more people file for unemployment. It's very disheartening.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/21/2020
      Protest and Pandemic New York Brooklyn English

      Tigida Fadiga

      “I miss the judgement-free enviorment where I wasn't judged or violated for who I am.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Senagal
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/22/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Senagal Brooklyn English

      Aracelis Otero

      “I remember on Columbus Avenue between 100st to 96st they used to have a sign and the sign says “No Blacks, No Puerto Ricans, and No Pets.””

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Puerto Rico
      Neighborhood: Harlem, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/23/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Puerto Rico Manhattan English

      Eugene Lareau

      ““My father couldn’t understand my enthusiasm for civil rights, but I was shaped by my experiences.” ”

      Subject: History of New York City
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Inwood, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/08/2018
      History of New York City New York Manhattan English

      Celia Perez

      ““Racism here in New York is blatant and dangerous. I saw a lot of my dreams burned to dust.””

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Panama
      Neighborhood: Redhook brookyln
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/17/2018
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Panama Brooklyn English

      Nieves Jiménez

      ““Cuando yo me vine [de México] para Los Estados Unidos no sabía yo leer ni escribir…..Una señora que es dominicana que trabaja conmigo me dijo ‘tu puedes aprender leer en un periódico yo te voy a enseñar’ … allí en el periódico aprendí a leer.” ”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Mexico
      Neighborhood: Sunset Park, Brooklyn
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 10/11/2018
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Mexico Brooklyn Spanish

      Elisha Wilson

      “When I first got to Harlem, my little heart smiled being a Westchester girl because I [never before had] found myself…being surrounded by all black people”

      Subject: History of New York City
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Harlem, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 10/30/2018
      History of New York City New York Manhattan English

      Rafael Rosario

      “En algún momento, todos los que vivimos fuera de nuestra patria sentimos una inmensa nostalgia... por lo que hemos dejado atrás”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 03/14/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Dominican Republic The Bronx Spanish

      Pamella Walker

      “We immigrants work very hard...if we want to be prosperous we have to work hard.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Jamaica
      Neighborhood: East New York, Brooklyn
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 03/16/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Jamaica Brooklyn English

      Ramona Ramírez

      “Society as a whole should take action and come together.... We need to see how we can help undocumented immigrants ”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: Washington Heights, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 03/21/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Dominican Republic Manhattan English

      René Duran

      “Yo cambiaría para mucha gente en este país de hacer una ley de inmigracion, darle la oportunidad a mucha gente que en verdad es trabajadora.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Mexico
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 03/20/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Mexico The Bronx Spanish

      Nicolas Martínez

      “la parte más difícil… creo que haber dejado mi casa allá, mi casa de toda la vida... Mis amigos, mi trabajo, y todo, todo lo que era una vida.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 03/22/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Dominican Republic The Bronx Spanish

      Juan Gutiérrez

      “If I could pick anyone [to eat a meal with], it would be my uncle.... My uncle is dead, but I still would pick him...and we would eat grill cheese because it was his favorite things to eat.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 05/15/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Dominican Republic The Bronx English

      Aura Peña

      “The US was not everything that I expected. I arrived with the thought that it was easy to earn a lot of money. People back home would tell me that you could find money in the streets in the United States”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: Washington Heights, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 07/08/2019
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Dominican Republic Manhattan Spanish

      Elizabeth Sosa

      “I am protesting as much as I can even though I am scared, even though I am not a protester at heart. I am a scientist. I do it because I believe that's a powerful way of getting action”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Brooklyn, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 07/30/2020
      Protest and Pandemic New York Brooklyn English

      Marisol Lucero

      “I think that we’re just tired and it’s time to really create change and not just say--say it and it to be a trending topic, but for real change to happen in all different types of systems, health systems, police systems, political...”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Bensonhurst, Brooklyn
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 07/29/2020
      Protest and Pandemic New York Brooklyn English

      Juan Lucero

      ““En este país se puede triunfar, se puede hacer cosas que en mi país no lo hay.””

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Mexico
      Neighborhood: Bensonhurst, Brooklyn
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 03/21/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Mexico Brooklyn Spanish

      Nadine Matthews

      “Not having legal status, there were not many opportunities for me.... They told me made me just stay under radar, you know? So I didn’t see any opportunities.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Trinidad and Tobago
      Neighborhood: East Flatbush, Brooklyn
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 03/20/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Trinidad and Tobago Brooklyn English

      Luz Hidalgo

      “I thought in this country it was very easy to get money and everything was easy. Until I started living here, I noticed everything was hard for an immigrant coming to a new country like this.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 03/17/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Dominican Republic The Bronx English

      Amjad Alsaidi

      “You can’t judge at people by the way they look. You got to talk to people like you know, you find other things that you’re missing.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Yemen
      Neighborhood: Woodside, Queens
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 03/19/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Yemen Queens English

      Yenis Heredia

      “Al principio no es fácil, pero si tú quieres lograr muchas cosas buenas, tienes que adaptarte al idioma...Si, es un poco difícil pero hay que hacerlo.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 03/21/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Dominican Republic The Bronx Spanish

      David Barrera Flores

      “All my minority people. I ride for you, you ride for me.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Ridgewood, Queens
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 06/29/2020
      Protest and Pandemic New York Queens English

      Chris Bertolotti

      “Unfortunately the president does nothing but inflames racial tension.”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New Jersey
      Neighborhood: Scarsdale, NY
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 07/26/2020
      Protest and Pandemic New Jersey   English

      Heladio Martínez

      “Solo tendría un pedazo de plástico de bolsa de basura para descansar... Pero aun así me sentía con ánimo porque estaba a Nueva York y salí adelante. ”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Mexico
      Neighborhood: Brooklyn, NYC
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 04/12/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Mexico Brooklyn Spanish

      Jairo Angamarca

      “Creo que es un sueño más grande al tener su casa, su familia, y eso sinceramente nos da los Estados Unidos, oportunidades que en nuestro país sinceramente no podemos llegar a tener.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Ecuador
      Neighborhood: Corona, Queens
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 03/22/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Ecuador Queens Spanish

      Sara Abdoaziz

      “I love New York! It’s a fast pace, you know like, just everyone’s alive...”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Brazil
      Neighborhood: Staten Island, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 03/16/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Brazil Staten Island English

      Leticia Camejo

      “Le agradezco mucho a este país, hoy mis hijos están en la universidad, son dos adolescentes ejemplares.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: The Bronx, NYC
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 03/10/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Dominican Republic The Bronx Spanish

      Ana Souffront

      “Nosotros lo dominicano hacemos de todo. Arroz, habichuelas, carne, mangú, sancocho, asopao.... Somo expertos en todo, pero la tradición es arroz, habichuelas, y carne... y el aguacate que no se queda!”

      Subject: Food Cultures of New York City
      Place of Origin: Dominican Republic
      Neighborhood: Upper East Side, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 10/20/2019
      Food Cultures of New York City Dominican Republic Manhattan Spanish

      David Rodriguez

      “Poco a poco se fueron dando las cosas en que iba conociendo en esta ciudad… Iba conociendo las oportunidades, lo que uno tiene para salir adelante y pues hasta el día de hoy, me encanta esta ciudad.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Ecuador
      Neighborhood: Washington Heights, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: Spanish
      Date of Interview: 03/22/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Ecuador Manhattan Spanish

      Teodora Martínez

      “Police need to change how they handle us minorities, us Hispanics, us Black people, us Mexicans... we need to be treated the same, equally. That's what needs to be changed”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Harlem, Manhattan
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 07/30/2020
      Protest and Pandemic New York Manhattan English


      “I kinda have stay here. I'm under the green card so if I leave the territory for more than six months during a year I lose my green card and I cannot come back here I cannot come back.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: France
      Neighborhood: Manhattan, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 03/13/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City France Manhattan English

      Charlie Brown

      “Its conversation between two people that are humans, it is just that one has a badge...”

      Subject: Protest and Pandemic
      Place of Origin: New York
      Neighborhood: Brooklyn, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 07/31/2020
      Protest and Pandemic New York Brooklyn English

      Ana Flores

      “You couldn't go to a certain place, because it was a white neighborhood.”

      Subject: Migration and Immigration to New York City
      Place of Origin: Puerto Rico
      Neighborhood: Brooklyn, NYC
      Language of Interview: English
      Date of Interview: 07/10/2020
      Migration and Immigration to New York City Puerto Rico Brooklyn English