The tuition and fee rates for the 2023-2024 academic year are:
Part-Time (per credit/ contact hour) | Part-Time (per credit/ contact hour) | ||
Resident of New York City | |||
Matriculated Student | $2,400.00 per term | $210.00 per credit | |
Non-Matriculated Student | $265.00 per credit | $265.00 per credit | |
Resident of New York State with Certificate of Residency on File | |||
Matriculated Student | $2,400.00 per term | $210.00 per credit | |
Non-Matriculated Student | $265.00 per credit | $265.00 per credit | |
Resident of New York State without Certificate of Residency on File | |||
Matriculated Student | $320.00 per credit | $320.00 per credit | |
Non-Matriculated Student | $420.00 per credit | $420.00 per credit | |
Out-of-State Resident | |||
Matriculated Student | $320.00 per credit | $320.00 per credit | |
Non-Matriculated Students | $420.00 per credit | $420.00 per credit |
Look at the breakdown of student fees below to see which apply to you and avoid any unnecessary charges!
Consolidated Services fee:
$15 per semester
This fee, charged every semester, covers the external processing of financial aid applications, the Immunization Program, the Job Location/Development Program, system-wide tuition and fee collections, and the administration of various tests such as the skills assessment tests.
Student Activity fee:
$55 per semester for full-time students; $20 for part-time students
This fee covers the Student Government Association and other student activities. It is nonrefundable unless you withdraw from the college before the first day of the semester. If the college cancels a course that causes you to fall below full time, you would be entitled to a refund of the difference between the fees for full- and part-time students. Claims for refunds must be made in the same semester.
University Student Senate fee:
$1.45 per semester
The University Student Government fee is separate from the college student government fee. It helps cover the operation of CUNY’s University Student Senate.
Technology fee:
$125 per semester for full-time students; $62.50 for part-time students
While the technology fee is generally nonrefundable, a partial refund is available in special circumstances, such as the college canceling a course and your becoming a part-time student as a result. It is also refundable if you withdraw from the college before the first day of the semester. You must file a claim for a refund during the same semester. If you register as a part-time student but later become full time, you must pay the difference in the fee. If you drop or withdraw from a course after the first day of classes and thus become a part-time student, you are not entitled to a refund.
Convenience fee:
If you opt to pay by online credit or debit card, there will be a 2.65% convenience fee charged to all credit or debit card payments.
For questions about any other fees, you can find answers in the CUNY Tuition Fee Manual – Fees Other than Tuition.