Online Forms
To navigate to Office of the Registrar online forms, log into the e-form system here. On the top left corner of the page, select Forms. Scroll to Office of the Registrar under Browse by Department. Select the appropriate form.
Major/Concentration Change (FormID 1045): Change a major or declare a concentration.
Permission to Add/Swap/Drop/Withdraw (FormID 1065) : Received an error when trying to add, swap or drop/withdraw? Complete this form to get permission to add, swap or drop/withdraw. Note that once permission is granted, you will have to log into Schedule Builder to perform the action again. With the permission granted you will now be allowed to complete the action you were not originally able to.
Note that permission will not be given to students who receive the below error messages:
- “You are unable to add this class at this time. Adding this class would exceed your course limit for this session”: If the class you are trying to enroll in session 2 makes your session 2 cumulative credit total exceed 7 credits, complete the Request to Add a Third Class in Session 2 (FormID 1082).
- “Exceeded the repeatable limit”: If you receive this error, complete the Add a Course form from your advisor.
- “You cannot add this class due to a time conflict with class”: You currently are enrolled in a class that meets during the same time and/or day as the class you are trying to add. Modify your class schedule in CUNYfirst and try adding the class again after the time conflict has been resolved.
- “Already enrolled in class, add not processed”: You are have already successfully been added to the class; no further action required..
- “Hold on record, Add not processed”: Follow the instructions stated in your ‘Hold Item’ to resolve the hold. For more information about the hold, contact the Department listed in your hold. To view your Holds, navigate to your Student Services Center. On the right-hand side, there will be a section for ‘Holds’. Select ‘details’ for more information about your hold(s). Select the Hold Item for more information about a specific hold.
- “Class is Full”: Follow instructions to waitlist closed class. For more information about waitlist, visit Waitlist Information on the main Registrar webpage.
Request to Add a Third Class in Session 2 (FormID 1082): for students who wish to register for more than two courses (or 7 credits) during session 2 (6-week session). To be considered for a third course (not exceeding 9 credits), students must’ve passed all developmental skills exams and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0. If approved, the requested class will be enrolled on your behalf.
Readmission Application (FormID 1062): Students who have previously attended Guttman Community College, but have not been in attendance for one or more terms, and did not graduate from Guttman are eligible for readmission. Students not in good academic standing (cumulative GPA is 2.00 or higher) will have to get approval from the Committee on Academic Appeals before completing this form.
CUNY ePermit Application Withdrawal (FormID 1074): Withdraw or Drop from an already approved ePermit to another CUNY. This will withdraw/drop the PERM 199.x message course.
Downloadable Registrar Forms
Below are downloadable forms and applications in PDF/Word document format. Upload your completed form(s) to Document Upload in CUNYfirst. Instructions on how to upload your documents can be found in our How-to Guides section of our webpage. Note that some forms require supporting documentation. Incomplete forms and applications will not be processed.