We are committed to ensuring the integrity, accuracy and security of student academic records and providing high-quality and compassionate service for our students, faculty, staff and alumni.
Contact Us
Include your full name and EMPLID in your email. For a faster reply, email us from your Guttman campus email.
Office Hours
9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Transcripts & Proof of Enrollment
24/7 online transcript ordering is now available with Parchment. Order a paper or PDF transcript – start your order to see current pricing information.
Need help with your transcript order?
On Parchment.com ask ParchieBot, Parchment’s chat function designed to answer your questions and provide order information.
Need proof that you are currently a student at Guttman?
Print an enrollment verification from your CUNYfirst.
- After logging into your CUNYfirst account, on your CUNYfirst Home page, select the Student Center tile.
- On the Student Center page, select the Transcript and Verification tile.
- Select Request Enrollment Verification on the left side menu. Complete the fields appropriately and click Submit. Be sure to turn your pop-up blocker off.
Graduation and Diplomas
Almost at the finish line? Graduation is the official completion of your degree program and conferral of an academic degree. This is not to be confused with Commencement, the ceremony typically held in June to celebrate graduates.
To graduate you must have the below requirements:
- Completion of the minimum number of credits for the degree as registered with the New York State Education Department (NYSED).
- Completion of all general education common core courses and completion of all courses in the program of study as registered with NYSED except where substitutions or waivers have been granted.
- Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00.
- Successful completion of at least 30 degree credits at Guttman Community College.
For specific graduation requirements in your degree, please check DegreeWorks.
If you are eligible to graduate at the end of the current term, our office will put you into In Review graduation standing. Guttman students don’t have to apply for graduation. To see if you are eligible to graduate at the end of the term, check your Guttman email for communication with our office.
Degrees are awarded four times a year. Check the Academic Calendar for degree conferral dates. The degree conferral date is the date in which the degree will be posted or awarded to the student’s records after successfully completing all graduation requirements. Note that this is not the date when diplomas are to be picked up.
We have teamed up with Parchment to safely and securely provide both a digital and physical diploma. With Parchment, you will have access to a digital diploma, and your paper diploma will be mailed to the home address listed in CUNYfirst. Digital diplomas will be available to claim, and paper diplomas will be issued to be mailed out 3 weeks after the conferral date. Check the academic calendar for conferral dates.
Physical diplomas will be mailed by Parchment via USPS. Diplomas are issued with the legal name on your CUNYfirst record at the time of graduation application. If there is a discrepancy, complete and submit a Personal Data Update form (found on our Forms & Applications page).
Lost your diploma? Request a replacement diploma for $30 through your Parchment account and select ‘Order Your Replacement Diploma”. For more help on ordering a replacement diploma, watch this Perchment video.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) was enacted to protect the privacy of students’ education records, to establish the rights of students to inspect and review their education records, and to provide students with an opportunity to have inaccurate or misleading information in their education records corrected.
Review the full CUNY FERPA policy.
If you don’t want our office to verify or release any information without prior written consent, complete and submit the Directory Information Non-Disclosure Form. If this is completed, you will have to provide written consent to authorize the release of information for all enrollment and degree verifications.
Desired course closed or not offered during this term? Request to take an ePermit out to another CUNY college. Be sure to check the Academic Calendar for the deadline; late applications will not be accepted.
Submitting an ePermit application or receiving approval does not automatically enroll you in the course nor guarantee a seat. You must self-enroll in the approved course(s) at the host college(s) using Schedule Builder.
Eligibility to take an ePermit out to another CUNY:
- Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00
- Currently enrolled and in attendance at Guttman Community College. Non-Degree students are not eligible to take a course on permit
- Have no negative service indicators (stops) on your record
Courses eligible to take on ePermit at another CUNY:
- The course must transfer back towards your Guttman degree
- Students cannot elect to take course(s) for “Pass/Fail” or “Credit/No Credit” at the host college
- A letter grade must be awarded (A, A-, B+, etc.)
- All credits and grades for courses taken at the host college on permit will be transferred to the student’s record and included in their cumulative grade point average here at Guttman. NOTE: Guttman students are required to take at least 30 degree credits in residency to graduate.
See our How-To Guides for instructions on how to apply for an ePermit through CUNYfirst.
Planning on canceling or dropping from your approved ePermit? Complete the CUNY ePermit Application Withdrawal eform.
Contact us at ePermit@guttman.cuny.edu
Remember to always use your campus email account and include your EMPL ID in your email.
ePermit Considerations
Note that each ePermit request is for a single course and its equivalent. If you’d like to take more than one course on ePermit, you’ll have to complete an ePermit request for each equivalent course you’d like to take at another CUNY.
If the ePermit course has a prerequisite, the final grade of the prerequisite must be posted before decisions are made on your ePermit request/s.
Once approved for an ePermit, the PERM 199.x message course will be added to the session you have applied to take an ePermit. PERM 199.x is used in place of the actual Guttman course that will transfer back after completing the host college course. Passing grades are not posted to the PERM 199.x course (withdrawal grades are posted). In DegreeWorks, PERM 199.x listed under ‘Insufficient Grades’ section have no negative impacts on the GPA or record. PERM 199.x will remain in CUNYfirst for record-keeping purposes (billing and credit-count) indefinitely.
Transfer Credit
Took courses elsewhere? See if it can be applied toward your Guttman degree!
CUNY College Courses
College credits taken at a CUNY college do not require an official transcript. All passing CUNY credits will receive Guttman credit. Note that some courses may not go towards your Guttman degree and may be blanket electives.
Non-CUNY College Courses
College-level coursework completed at a non-CUNY college requires a grade of C or better to receive Guttman credit. A sealed official Have your official transcript sent to Registrar@guttman.cuny.edu or the below mailing address.
Office of the Registrar
50 West 40th St. Room 307A
New York, NY 10018
Prior Exams
- An AP (Advanced Placement) score of 3 or above
- An AICE (Advanced International Certificate of Education) score of E or better (US equivalent to C or better)
- A CLEP (College Level Examination Program) score of 50 or above
- A DLPT (Defense Language Proficiency Test) score of 3 or above
- A DSST (DANTES) score of 400 on Criterion Referenced test, or 45 on Norm Referenced test
- An IB (International Baccalaureate) – Higher Level (HL) only score of 5 or better
- An UEXCEL (Excelsior College Exams) grade of C or better
Waitlist Information
What can I do if the class I need is closed?
Answer: You can place yourself on the waitlist! This won’t guarantee you a seat in the class you select, but if one becomes available and you’re the next eligible student on the waitlist, you’ll be automatically enrolled in the course.
You will not be automatically enrolled in the class if:
- You haven’t fulfilled the requisite(s) for the course, or if this enrollment will exceed the credit limit for the session.
- The class has a time conflict with one of your other classes.
- There is a hold on your account that prevents registration.
- You have previously taken the class (including transfer credit received for this course). Please consult with your advisor if you are repeating the class.
- You’re already enrolled in another section of the class.
- You exceed the allowed number of waitlisted credits, or the number of enrolled credits allowed for session 2.
How can I waitlist a class?
Answer: When you add the class in Schedule Builder, check the box for “Wait list if class is full” under the Options column.
Are there different options to waitlist a class?
Answer: You have the option to waitlist a closed class by itself or to waitlist with a condition of dropping a currently enrolled class for the same session. Note that when selecting to waitlist with a condition to drop, if a class seat in the waitlisted class becomes available, you’ll be automatically enrolled in the waitlisted class and automatically dropped from the class with the condition to be dropped/withdrawn. You’re responsible for all financial implications of being automatically dropped/withdrawn from waitlisting with condition to drop. Be sure to check the academic calendar for drop/withdraw deadlines and check with your Financial Aid advisor before selecting this option.
How many waitlists can I have?
Answer: Sessions 1 – 2 courses Sessions 2 – 1 course
Can I place myself on multiple waitlists for different sections of the same course?
Answer: No, you can’t place yourself on multiple waitlists for different sections of the same course. Since you’re only allowed to waitlist one section of a class, you should make sure that the section you select best fits your schedule.
If I’m registered for one section of the class, can I place myself on the waitlist for a different section of preference for the same class?
Answer: No, you can’t place yourself on a waitlist for another section of a course you are already registered for the class.
When I place myself on a waitlist, how do I know when I am registered for the class?
Answer: You’ll automatically be registered when a class seat becomes available, and you’re the next eligible student on the waitlist and have fulfilled all requirements for the class. Students are responsible for monitoring the status of their waitlisted courses. You WILL NOT be notified if you get a seat from the waitlist. Check the Academic Calendar for the last day to opt into a waitlist. You must attend class meetings as soon as you are enrolled in the waitlisted class.
NOTE: It is advisable that if the waitlisted class is still closed on the first day of classes, to waitlist another class. Most instructors won’t be able to approve students into a closed class because of the classroom capacity limit. There’s no guarantee that the instructor will give permission to allow you into the class if enrollment is reached.
How long can I stay on the waitlist? What happens if a seat never becomes available and I don’t get into the class?
Answer: You’ll remain on the waitlist until the evening of the last day to waitlist into a class. Check the Academic Calendar for the last day to waitlist into a class for the session. All waitlists for the session will be closed the day after the deadline and you’ll be removed from any outstanding waitlists for that session. If you waitlisted with the condition to drop, and your waitlisted class doesn’t become available, you won’t be dropped from your enrolled class.
Can I remove myself from the wait list?
Answer: Yes, you can remove yourself from the waitlist through Schedule Builder if you no longer want to be enrolled in the class. You’ll be able to drop yourself from the waitlist just like you would drop from a regular class.
How can I check my status on the waitlist?
Answer: To check your status, log into CUNYfirst and navigate to Student Center > Course Planning and Enroll > View My Class Schedules. Make sure “Show Waitlisted Classes” is checked off. The status and position of your waitlist will appear under each course’s “Status” and “Waitlist Position”.
Will I be charged tuition for the class on the waitlist?
Answer: No, the waitlist class is not an actual registration. Only if you’ve been auto enrolled in the class will you be charged tuition.
Registrar How-to Guides
- Add Classes to Shopping Cart
- Add, Drop/Withdraw, Swap Classes
- Apply for ePermit
- CUNYfirst Home Navigation Aid
- CUNYfirst Student Center Navigation Aid
- Request an Enrollment Verification (Proof of Enrollment)
- Search for Classes
- Upload a Student Document through CUNYfirst
- View Class Schedule
- View Enrollment Dates
- View Transfer Credit Evaluations
- View Unofficial Transcript