Awards and Recognition

Awards and Recognition

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      We recognize and celebrate our employees through various award programs, including the Guttman PROS, Faculty Awards, and President’s Staff Awards. 

      Presidential Awards

      The award categories, as indicated below, are open to both faculty and staff, recognizing their achievements for the academic year. The awards will be presented to the winners during Guttman’s Annual Faculty & Staff Awards ceremony. In order to be nominated, you must be a member of the college in a full-time or part-time capacity. All Guttman faculty, staff and students can submit a nomination. 

      Here is a brief description of the four award categories: 

      1. President’s Award for Leadership is bestowed upon any member of the Guttman community whose work and spirit inspires and empowers others. Leading by example, this individual demonstrates transparency and trust, creating an environment for success and serving as a catalyst for change. Embodying the Guttman values, this individual advances the mission and vision of the College. They are a role model and a team builder who mentors, guides and cultivates leadership in others. 
      2. President’s Award for Community Engagement is bestowed upon any member of the Guttman community who actively engages and readily provides service for the benefit and common good of the College. They work collaboratively across all units and strives to serve the multiple needs of the community. This individual demonstrates a desire to give back to the college community by actively contributing and engaging in relevant events, committees, task forces, working groups, and/or activities that advance the Guttman values. In addition, this individual displays exceptional leadership in engagement within the internal community and/or the external local community. 
      3. President’s Award for Individual Development is bestowed upon any member of the Guttman community who is driven by a passion for learning and expanding their knowledge and skill sets. This individual takes the initiative to enhance professional and personal growth in order to advance the mission of the College and meet departmental goals. They value and participate in relevant professional development opportunities, is willing to explore new ideas and practices, and is receptive and open to constructive feedback that would enhance their knowledge, skills, and abilities. 
      4. President’s Award for Outstanding Service is bestowed upon any member of the Guttman community whose personal commitment to excellence is an inspiration for others. This person has a “whatever it takes” attitude to consistently support their team and the Guttman community as a whole. This person constantly goes above and beyond to support colleagues, serve the students, and readily shares their ideas and concerns for the betterment of this institution. This individual demonstrates consistent good cheer, compassion, and dedication. The College is enriched by this person’s positive energy. 

      Faculty Awards

      In order to be nominated, you must be a faculty member of the college. Both full-time and part-time faculty are eligible for specific awards. However, all Guttman faculty, staff, and students can submit a nomination.  

      Here is a brief description of the five award categories: 

      1. The Paul Naish Award for Excellence in Teaching  recognizes exceptional teaching that contributes to student learning, pedagogical innovation, and operationalization of the Guttman model. Includes a monetary prize of $1,000. Note: Only full-time faculty are eligible. Selection of the awardee is determined by the Faculty Awards Committee. 
      2. Award for Excellence in Teaching for Part-Time Faculty recognizes exceptional teaching that contributes to student learning, pedagogical innovation, and operationalization of the Guttman model. Selection of the awardee is determined by the Faculty Awards Committee.
      3. Provost’s Award for Outstanding Scholarship recognizes exceptional scholarly achievement during the preceding academic year, across a range of possible achievements (published scholarship, conference presentation, external grants, etc.) Note: Only full-time faculty are eligible. The Faculty Awards Committee makes recommendation(s) to the Provost, who selects the awardee.
      4. Provost’s Award for Outstanding Faculty Mentorship recognizes exceptional scholarly and professional mentorship (official and unofficial) within the Guttman community during the preceding academic year, supporting and guiding junior faculty. Note: Only full-time faculty are eligible. The Faculty Awards Committee makes recommendation(s) to the Provost, who selects the awardee.
      5. Provost’s Award for Exemplary Use of StarfishOpen to both faculty and staff – We also recognize and reward exceptional use of the Starfish software system for student retention and success to provide students with feedback on their performance, monitor their progress, and connect them to services in the Guttman community. The winner will be selected based on analytics and will be recognized at the All-College Meeting in January 2020.

      The Faculty Awards Committee is comprised of the previous year’s awardees, a member of OSE Staff (appointed by OSE Dean) and a student (appointed by OSE Dean) and is chaired by Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Nicola Blake (non-voting member unless there is a tie). We are looking forward to recognizing and acknowledging the incredible work of the faculty at Guttman!

      Longevity Awards

      The Longevity Award is presented to employees with 10 years of service at Guttman Community College. 

      Guttman PROS

      The Guttman PROS, which stands for Peer Recognition for Outstanding Service, is an award program in which our employees are able to directly nominate and award one another on a public platform based on the seven core principles of the Guttman Model, which are as follows:  

      1. Collaboration
      2. Inclusion & Diversity 

      3. Innovation 
      4. Leadership 
      5. Respecting Other Perspectives 
      6. Skill-Building 
      7. Above & Beyond 

      Nominate a colleague for a PROS award today!

      Those who accumulate a substantial number of PROS awards throughout the year are further recognized during Guttman’s Annual Faculty & Staff Awards ceremony. 

      Awards and Recognition